With the proliferation of craft brewing classes being offered at the collegiate level, I have been asked to guest lecture on brewery sanitation several times now. Last month, I guest lectured at Regis University’s craft brewing chemistry class, and I will be speaking at the Metropolitan State University in Denver next Tuesday. Why? Proper brewery cleaning and sanitizing is paramount to making sure that the beer tastes great, batch after batch, year after year. At the recent Great American Beer Festival (GABF) held in Denver, Birko customers took home over 25% of all of the GABF Gold Medals awarded. Brewers know that Birko brewery sanitation products and process aids are regarded as the best in the industry and our technical support is second to none. Now, Birko is happy to share our knowledge with up-and- coming brewers to help them make sure their beer tastes fresh and flavorful, batch after batch!